AmigaActive (1937/2143)

From:Kevin Fairhurst
Date:30 May 2000 at 12:03:20
Subject:Re: Kickstart Show

On Tue, 30 May 2000 09:49:36 +0000, Simon Mason ( wrote:
> Hello Kevin


> > Like I said, you've already withdrawn the money on your credit card, do you
> > really wanna go home with £300 cash that your wife could spend instead?
> True, she is allready Imelda Marcos with the shoes, and you just know I
> would have been releived of the dosh!

Just think, instead of wonderful Amiga kit she'd have even more shoes,
meaning she'd take even longer trying to decide which to wear! :)

> > And if you had chosen that option, you wouldn't have the lovely graphics
> > card which you can't get working ;)
> Thats it, kick a man when he's down- just like when you fragged that chap
> when his machine locked up on the Kickstart Quake comp. :-)

Heh heh, I lost overall but only cos it took me a couple of mins to get
used to the wierd control system! And I just HAD to do that sniper shot
... that was me on the grassy knoll ;-)

However I think CGFX 4 will solve all your problems ... maybe ... :)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267, redver5 on AIM

Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.
Remember the good 'ol days

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